Equity From Start to Finish African American Male Initiative Hosts Meet and Greet for Participants

Date Posted: September 29, 2022

Southern Crescent Technical College (SCTC) recently hosted a Meet and Greet for participants in the Equity From Start to Finish grant program.  This event, held August 25, 2022 in the Event Center on the Griffin Campus, was an opportunity to launch the program and introduce students and the campus community to the mission and vision of the program.

During the event, students were also able to connect with SCTC administrators and supporters including Dr. Irvin Clark, III, SCTC President, Dr. Frank Amaro, SCTC Business Management Instructor, and Mack Clark, Career Center Manager from the Department of Labor where they shared tips for success while participating in the Equity From Start to Finish program.

In 2021, Southern Crescent Technical College was awarded its first PBI (Predominantly Black Institution) Formula Grant in the amount of $1,250,000 over a span of five years to establish the Equity From Start to Finish Project. The proposed project allows SCTC the opportunity to bring cross-functional leadership teams throughout the institution to help plan, develop, undertake, and implement the project with the aim of enhancing the institution’s capacity to serve low- income, Black students, specifically Black male students.

Through the support provided by this grant, SCTC has implemented programs specifically targeting this underrepresented group of Black male population to expand their postsecondary opportunities. Black male students are being reached through highly targeted recruitment efforts and receive support to increase their access to postsecondary opportunities. Black male students enrolled at SCTC receive ongoing support to ensure they are retained and complete their postsecondary education as well as assistance with workforce opportunities in high demand growing industries such as Welding and Joining Technology, Machine Tool Technology, and Industrial Systems Technology.

Equity From Start to Finish focuses on Admissions, Financial Aid, Career Academic Planning, Tutoring Services, and on and off campus resources that to lead to graduation and workforce readiness. Deidra Dugger, program director, stated “With the wrap around services Equity From Start to Finish offers to the African American Male students enrolled in these targeted programs, we have found that these students are becoming more engaged, being more accountable, and most importantly more motivated toward program completion and graduation.”

For more information on Equity From Start to Finish, please visit https://staging.sctech.edu/equity-start-to-finish/